Frosty The Snowman’s Big Day is a delightful family theatre musical that brings the beloved snowman to life in a heartwarming adventure. When Frosty magically comes to life on a snowy playground, he teams up with a spirited young girl named Karen and a clever bunny rabbit named Hocus Pocus. Together, they embark on an extraordinary journey from the schoolyard to the North Pole, facing challenges and making new friends along the way. Filled with catchy songs, lively dance numbers, and a touching message about friendship and perseverance, this enchanting musical is a holiday treat for audiences of all ages.
Interested in booking a group of 10 or more?
Please contact our Group Sales Coordinator at or call 631-218-2810 Ext. 1030
For All Other Ticket Inquiries, Call the Box Office at 631-218-2810 or visit
931 Montauk Highway, Oakdale, NY, USA
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